I must admit


I conquered a fear

At last I did

A fear of “The Fear”

I must admit

Unknown to me that I could be

Free of worries that have crowded me

I sat there praying for my safety

As the wind scraped my face and my body

While sitting on a machinery

That was said to be of no safety

In shocking view of my reality

I realized that Fear was just my imagery

It had no way of knowing my ability

And therefore I broke my dependency

Freedom replaced the Fear in me

The Motorbike Freed the whole of me

For the story click on “Ecstasy at its Best

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24 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. It’s really fantastic; I really love the poetry. It’s the language with which you can say words in short but deep and meaningfull.

  2. “I realized that Fear was just my imagery.” What a great line! Truly, Rain, freedom lies on the other side of fear.

  3. FREEDOM…its a precious word and yes,I was swaying along your poem 😀

  4. woot to your freedom! I love this one 🙂

  5. This reminded me of the time when I went ziplining with my friends and I was screaming my head off and my friends were all laughing at me because I was so scared.


    Please do check out mine: http://dcec.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/thursday-rally-week-43/

  6. great! we have all felt it at some point you put it wonderfully ….glad you overcame yours ..thanks for sharing

  7. love the word flow.

    well played,
    have fun in the rally.

  8. Wow, what a captivating story! I loved the way it just captured every corner, and the way the unexpected turned into such a memorable experience. Beautiful.

  9. What a great poem. I really loved the story it told.

  10. First of all the image is damn capturing..
    I loved how you conquered the fear..Beautiful!


  11. Ain’t no feeling like being free. I love the move from fear to freedom. Great job!

  12. Loved this! Reminded me of the first time on the back of our Harley. But actually driving our dirt bike was even more freeing, although once was enough. Talk about a rush.

  13. Love the words, flow, rhythm and story. With words as your palette, you paint beautifully.

  14. Oh! It really feels like freedom 🙂 Deep and true words: ‘In shocking view of my reality

    I realized that Fear was just my imagery’
    Love it!

  15. A story well told in poetry.
    I am happy you are now free.


  16. I like how the poem unfolded. I like that you faced your fears.

  17. I’m seeing some interesting concepts pop out of this…just what a good poem should do!

  18. Great poem really felt it. I’ve always said the way to live life is without fear – it imprisons you however small it is.

  19. Lovely sentiments and rhymes. Wonderful picture

  20. really great poem! i love it!

  21. Nothing like risk taking to make us feel alive!

  22. both inspired and beautifully executed, I liked it a great deal

  23. nicely said, made me smile. i know what you mean. 🙂

  24. You’ve put what most of us feel into words and you’ve done it well. Not an easy task. Well done 🙂

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